News in English

Curiosity Drives 6 m to the Northwest
On Sol 1292, Curiosity drove 6 m to the northwest. We planned several Mastcam mosaics to investigate nodules, fractures, and sedimentary structures within the Stimson formation. In the afternoon, we’ll use the DRT to clean the surface of the target "Brukkaros'.
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One-Sol Drive Plans
Yesterday’s drive took us a little over 60m and we’re planning another drive in the sol 1385 plan. Before the drive, we have a short science block with a ChemCam observation of the target and a Mastcam mosaic of "Baynes Mountain'' After that, we’ll drive for about 70 meters and collect post-drive imaging. We’ll also use MAHLI to look at the ground under our wheels. Dates of planned rover activities described
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Curiosity Drives Across the Naukluft Plateau
On Sol 1284 Curiosity drove 27 m, which brings our total traverse distance to 12,549 m. Today’s plan is fairly straightforward. In the morning, curiosity will acquire Mastcam and ChemCam to characterize the bedrock that we’ve been driving over.
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Drilling a New Sample on Mars
In addition to the main drill activities, the plan includes several targeted science blocks, which will be used to characterize the drill location and search for the next potential drill site on unaltered Stimson bedrock. On the second sol, the science block includes Mastcam multispectral characterization of the drill hole. We also planned a small mosaic to assess a fracture that crosscuts an impact crater.
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The MRO Pass on Sol 1290 - Data Recovered
Data was recovered from the missing MRO pass on Sol 1290. Today’s plan is to keep driving across the Naukluft Plateau. The terrain looks pretty rough, so we’re plotting our course carefully. Science activities include ChemCam and Mastcam observations.
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Stimson Formation - The Original Plan for Today
the original plan for today included an 11 m drive to get closure to a fracture in the Stimson formation. As result of this discussion, the team realized that some of the best places to accomplish the proposed sampling were likely behind us!
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Exploring the Murray Formation on Sol 1381
Today’s two-sol plan includes targeted remote sensing, and contact science at a target named "Koes. We’ve been searching for a good place to do contact science on the Murray formation around here, and there won’t be enough power or time to fit contact science in the weekend plan. On Sol 1381, we’ll acquire ChemCam and Mastcam observations of the Murray Formation. Then we’re using the DRT to brush off a fresh surface at
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MAHLI/MARDI Observation Day
Lots of observations were made at Waypoint 1 and are being analyzed as the data are returned to Earth. It's a much less hectic planning day than last week, as many of the observations taken on drive sols have become standard. The emphasis continues to be on maximizing drive distance.
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MSL Planning Update - Opportunity Rover
MSL weekend plan includes more MAHLI imaging of the rover wheels and a short drive to a location that looks good for dumping and examining the drill sample. Many of the MSL scientists will be attending the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco next week.
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Sol 513 Science
SOWG Chair again today, planning Sol 513, which will be dominated by a full set of MAHLI images of wheels. The images will be taken between short drives, to turn the wheels a bit and allow the entire surfaces of the wheels to be imaged. This will require a fair amount of power, so the main constraint on planning was ensuring that we don't take too much charge out of the battery.
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