News in English

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Wants Self-Driving in China
Tesla’s assisted-driving technology isn’t available in China. In the U.S., Tesla charges either an upfront cost of $8000 or a monthly subscription of $99 for FSD. China slowdown The Tesla CEO’s trip to China comes as its sales in the country drop to their lowest point since 2022.
Read more at Fortune
ACS Nano: Resolving the Nanoscale Structure of <unk> -Scale Peptides
a new imaging technique developed by engineers at Washington University in St. Louis can give scientists a much closer look at fibril assemblies. These cross- peptide assemblies are also useful building blocks within designer biomaterials for medical applications, but their resemblance to their amyloid beta cousins is concerning. This results stem from a fruitful collaboration between lead author Matthew Lew and associate professor Jai Rudra.
Read more at Technology Networks
BrainSell Promotes Kevin Cook to CTO
Kevin Cook has been promoted to Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Cook’s 15 years at BrainSell, working across business functions. Cook has always exhibited a professional and personal drive to understand the “how” and “why” of the technologies we use daily.
Read more at Martechcube
The Future of Higher Education - Embracing AI in the Classroom
AI is a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives, make predictions, recommendations or decisions influencing real or virtual environments. The origins of AI have been traced back to 1950 when Alan Turing published “Computer Machinery and Intelligence” which proposed a test of machine intelligence called The Imitation Game. Since then, AI research has grown, and the fruits of that labor have evolved into its integration into our everyday lives.
Read more at EdSurge
Carus Catalyst and Picarro Catalyst for EtO
Carus is a global leader in the development and manufacturing of environmental solutions. About the Partnership The partnership aims to leverage Carus’s catalyst technology with Picarro’s cutting-edge Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) based on Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) monitoring technology. This strategic partnership seeks to provide industries such as medical device sterilization facilities, with more integrated, efficient, and cost-effective solutions for EtO emissions management.
Read more at AZoCleantech
Unlock Critical Insights Hidden in Your Own Customer Data
Financial services account for 25% — or $1 for every $4 — spent in technology today, making it the biggest revenue pool on the planet. This immense market is full of risks but also big opportunities for banks, FinTechs and brands, and there will always be endless uncertainties to navigate. Achieving this kind of clarity from data insights is no small feat — particularly for organizations that are locked in data silos and legacy systems.
Accesso Technology Group (LON:ACSO) Full Year 2023 Results
Accesso Technology Group Revenues and Earnings Beat Expectations Revenue exceeded analyst estimates by 1.4%. The primary driver behind last 12 months revenue was the Ticketing segment contributing a total revenue of US$104.0m (70% of total revenue). The largest operating expense was General &amp; Administrative costs, amounting to US$94.5m (86% of total expenses).
Read more at Yahoo Finance
Eglin Air Force Field Trip
Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Geraghty was one of 20 test pilot volunteers to try out the electric aircraft. He complimented the aircraft, the quiet flight and how lightweight the Electro turned out to be. The 96th Test Wing commander pushed it out to the flightline himself.
Read more at Eglin Air Force Base
Accesso Technology Group (LON:ACSO) Full Year 2023 Results
Accesso Technology Group Revenues and Earnings Beat Expectations Revenue exceeded analyst estimates by 1.4%. The primary driver behind last 12 months revenue was the Ticketing segment contributing a total revenue of US$104.0m (70% of total revenue). The largest operating expense was General &amp; Administrative costs, amounting to US$94.5m (86% of total expenses).
Read more at Yahoo Canada Finance
LzLabs vs Winsopia
LzLabs' product helps its clients migrate from IBM mainframe technology onto open source alternatives. The US company says that it is “inconceivable” that it could have developed that migration software without illegally reverse engineering IBM’s technology. A benchmark case The case could create an important legal precedent for how startups develop products that offer solutions that challenge legacy technology.
Read more at Sifted