News in English

Flavorama: A Guide to Unlocking the Art and Science of Flavor
A bite into a lemon wedge sends citric acid molecules and other compounds to the tongue and through the nose, a one-two punch of the sour taste and citrusy scent that the brain senses as lemony. The tongue has dedicated receptors for detecting molecules that correspond to each one (SN: 1/25/16). Smell is more complicated, with about 400 types of smell receptors in the nose that capture signals from many, many different molecules.
#SCIENCE #English #BR
Read more at Science News Magazine
Acquisition Strengthens Deloitte's Competitive Edge
Deloitte has acquired substantially all of the assets of Gryphon Scientific, LLC (Gryphon), a leader in biosafety, biosecurity, and all-hazards preparedness and response, with experience in using artificial intelligence to enhance security and safety. The acquisition represents a significant enhancement to Deloits ability to address its clients' most complex mission challenges, from informing safe policy and practice around novel technologies and AI to strengthening capacities to prevent, detect and respond to infectious disease threats across the
#SCIENCE #English #BR
Read more at PR Newswire
5 Ways to Make Your Workout More Fun
You can rewire your brain to join that “love it” group, study shows. The good news is that you can teach yourself to be more accepting, physically and mentally, of movement. You can create artificial motivation and enjoyment by listening to music or a podcast while you sweat.
#SCIENCE #English #PL
Read more at Women's Health
The Problem of Intergenerational Inequalities in Science
In the absence of a windfall of scientific funding, difficult zero-sum decisions need to be made about the distribution of academic resources and opportunities across generations and the professional life-course. The dearth of tenure-track lines relative to the population of recent PhDs means that the ECR labour market is very much a buyer’s market. This is a particularly acute issue in science.
#SCIENCE #English #NO
Read more at LSE Home
Bringing Your Kids With You on Scientific Expeditions
Bringing my kids with me continues to challenge expectations, and not only among fellow scientists. The pressure is acute because, as research shows, women on scientific teams are significantly less likely to be credited with authorship.
#SCIENCE #English #HU
Read more at Salt Lake Tribune
U.S. Naval Community College Launches Health Science Program for Sailors
The U.S. Naval Community College (USNCC) has launched a health science program for sailors seeking a career in healthcare. Established in 2019, the college met its initial operating capacity in the fall of 2023. The college is expected to reach full operational capacity in 2028.
#SCIENCE #English #PE
Read more at The Presidential Prayer Team
Dogs Picture the Word 'Ball' in Their Heads
Scientists recruited 18 dogs for the study and used a non-invasive technique to measure electrical activity in their brains. The study was published last month in the science journal Current Biology. It claims that dogs create a mental image of objects that we say, suggesting a deeper grasp of language similar to humans. Scientists say the findings are further proof that an ability called referential understanding isn’t just unique to humans.
#SCIENCE #English #PE
The Death of a Pope
In 1958, a depleted Pius XII retired to the papal villa at Castel Gandolfo, the Holy See's 135-acre summer palace. He was the head of the Institute of Endocrinology at Tel-Hashomer Hospital, now called Sheba Medical Center. By the spring of 1958, Giulio Pacelli and Piero Donini musing over the design needs of the special toilets they planned to install.
#SCIENCE #English #PE
Read more at Vanity Fair
Wisconsin’s Great Lakes Fisheries Management
Brad Eggold is the Great Lakes District Fisheries Supervisor. Cheryl Masterson is the Fisheries Team Supervisor working on sport and commercial fisheries in southern Lake Michigan.
#SCIENCE #English #PE
Read more at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Greene County Schools Take Part in NC Science Festival
Greene County Schools took part in the North Carolina Science Festival. The Science Festival is a month-long state-wide series of events. Events were sponsored by Duke Energy and several other community partners.
#SCIENCE #English #MX
Read more at Neuse News