News in English

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Press Release - Mayo Clinic Health System to Occupy Science and Health Sciences Building
Regents approved 30-year lease of 10,000 square feet of research, instructional, office and meeting space. Mayo Clinic Health System has committed $13.7 million to the project. Construction is scheduled to begin this summer on the $340.3 million state-of-the-art Science and Health Sciences Building.
#SCIENCE #English #LV
Read more at WEAU
Graduate Research Fair at UMSL
Twenty-two graduate students from across disciplines took part in the annual Graduate Research Fair on April 19. It was a chance for the students to share their work in poster presentations and receive feedback from faculty members and their peers. The participating students represented the Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Criminology and Criminal Justice and Psychological Sciences.
#SCIENCE #English #IN
Read more at UMSL Daily
Comparing Methods for Detection and Quantification of PD Callose in Nicotiana Benthamiana Leaves
CC0 Public Domain Researchers in the laboratory of Tessa Burch-Smith, Ph.D. at the Danforth Plant Science Center and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, are conducting pioneering work to discover how plants transmit information, important molecules, and viruses between cells. Their research compared different methods to rigorously quantify callose accumulation around the microscopic PD channels and paves the way for a deeper understanding of how the plant immune system works.
#SCIENCE #English #ET
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Press Release - Mayo Clinic Health System to Occupy Science and Health Sciences Building
Regents approved 30-year lease of 10,000 square feet of research, instructional, office and meeting space. Mayo Clinic Health System has committed $13.7 million to the project. Construction is scheduled to begin this summer on the $340.3 million state-of-the-art Science and Health Sciences Building.
#SCIENCE #English #ET
Read more at WEAU
Continuum: French Science Fiction Short Stories
Tessa Sermet co-edited Continuum: French Science Fiction Short Stories. The stories explore themes of simulated reality, speciesism, ecology, and transhumanism. "There is very little French science fiction translated to English," Sermet said.
#SCIENCE #English #ET
Read more at Lake Forest College
Our Climate Quest: Small Steps to Big Change!
Thunder Bay is one of its several stops in smaller rural and remote communities in a more flexible version of a larger initiative traveling nationwide that aims to engage one million Canadian youth to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The exhibit is called "Our Climate Quest: Small Steps to Big Change!' The exhibition is at the Thunder Bay Museum until Tuesday.
#SCIENCE #English #CA
Theatre in Education at Speas Elementary
Second grade students are returning from recess and energy level inside classrooms is running high. Wake Forest junior Kate Leffler is majoring in psychology and neuroscience. The second graders begin using their body movements to demonstrate how the snowman turns to liquid from the heat.
#SCIENCE #English #CA
Read more at Wake Forest News
2024 BRN IGNITE Grant Winners
Black Research Network (BRN) community members are advancing research ranging from the humanities to the social sciences and life sciences. Research projects include preserving traditional recipes in the GTA’s African diaspora, literature and media studies and human rights. The BRN’s IGNITE grant provides annual small-scale funding to support interdisciplinary research led by Black faculty, librarians, post-doctoral scholars, clinical scientists and medical research fellows/residents.
#SCIENCE #English #CA
Read more at Defy Gravity Campaign
The Science of Reading and Math Helps English Learners Boost Comprehension, Visualization and Synthesis
The intervention performed for 30 minutes twice a week for 10 weeks with 66 third-grade English language learners who displayed math learning difficulties. Key components include number sense, decoding, language comprehension and working memory. Utilizing direct and explicit teaching methods enhances understanding and enables students to effectively connect these skills to solve math problems.
#SCIENCE #English #BW
SAFEDUC - Why Did You Want to Join the Research Project?
SAFEDUC is a research project which conducts a prevalence study on gender-based violence in a very interesting setting. I wanted to see how it is done, what are the methods and practices of collecting this kind of data, to see the process from within and of course be useful in bringing the knowledge acquired from my work on this topic from the Czech context.
#SCIENCE #English #BW
Read more at Sciences Po