Ke ne ke thabile ho tseba ka Mayor Michelle Wu's $4.7 million in funding to support the life science and climate tech industries. Ke ne ke thahasella haholo-holo ka ho potoloha ho hoholo ha lichelete bakeng sa biomanufacturing, baetsi ba lithethefatsi le ba pele ba lithethefatsi, le ho eketsa koetliso ea basebetsi le li-internship ho tlisa basebetsi ba bangata ba li-collar le liithuti tse se nang mangolo a koleche ho basebetsi ba saense ea bophelo. Motse oa ka ka Khotso le HYM Investment Group e fana ka tlhahiso ea ho haha 700,000 maoto a lisekoere a sebaka sa saense ea bophelo Parcel 3 Roxbury.
#SCIENCE #Southern Sotho #CH
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